The Pearl App
Pearl's award-winning app helps you reach your goals, unlock value hidden in your home, and save thousands of dollars on improvements through rebates and tax credits.
Easily capture, verify, and document existing home performance features, like heat pumps or high-efficiency furnaces, solar panels, insulation, smart home tech, and more. The more you add, the higher your Pearl ScoreTM rises, and the closer you come to qualifying for a Pearl Certification.
Discover the kinds of home features that most impact your comfort, health, safety, resilience, and home value. Then, find tons of savings to make it all more affordable.
Translate all your investments into real value for agents, buyers, lenders, and appraisers by ordering a Pearl Certification right in the app.

Unlock hidden value in your home.

The Certification Report
Built on our rigorous performance standards, Pearl's Certification Report captures the value of your verified home performance features, which often go unseen during appraisal.
Our investment-grade documentation provides insights about your home's assets, how they impact quality of life and costs, and translates that all into real home value for buyers, lenders, and appraisers to see — so you and your real estate agent can showcase the true value of your home.
Unlike other certifications, scores, or labels, Pearl's Certification applies to new and existing homes, and can be updated whenever you make new improvements.