Pearl translates your home's performance into value at the time of sale or refinance.

High-performing home features increase home value — when they’re properly documented. If they’re not, you could lose money on the investments you’ve made in your home. Unique from other home certifications, Pearl makes sure you and your real estate agent have the tools you need to maximize your return on investment.

As a broker in the Pearl Network, our agents are trained to sell high-performing homes faster and at a higher price point. We have seen firsthand the power of Pearl Certification. We had a house whose appraisal came in low, threatening the viability of the deal. Until we got it Pearl Certified! Not only did the house appraise for more, it went forward to a smooth close.

Mike Litzner, Broker at Coldwell Banker American Homes.
Michael Litzner Owner/Broker — Century 21 American Homes

Secure your ROI with a Pearl Real Estate Network Member

Superior knowledge

Pearl Real Estate Network Members understand how to market energy efficiency, home automation, and solar installations. They know how to connect home performance with what buyers want.

Waived certification costs

The Pearl Certification process typically costs $425. When you work with a Pearl Real Estate Network Member, the Pearl Certification process is free to you.

Savvy marketing

Pearl Real Estate Network Members know how to use the Green MLS data fields to maximize appraisals, and they optimize your listing by selling buyers on your home’s high-performing features.

Audience image person homeowner

"I understand the value that high-performing, energy efficient homes bring to the market. The missing link is getting relevant information about those homes to agents and appraisers who are not building scientists. Pearl provides that missing link."

Jan Green Pearl Gold Certified Homeowner

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