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Mike Lee HPH Sale 2023

During his initial listing appointment for 516 Cottage St. in Massachusetts, Mike Lee, a REALTOR® of two years, quickly began noticing ENERGY STAR® logos throughout the house, and upon investigating, he discovered he was selling a certified ENERGY STAR home, built in 2007. As a member of LAER Realty Partners’ Sustainability Committee, Mike stays current on the latest green technologies, initiatives, and professional services, enabling him to immediately recognize the significance of this special home. To determine how best to market this special home, Mike consulted with LAER’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Craig Foley, who pointed Mike to Pearl Certification, an ENERGY STAR partner.

Mike contacted Pearl’s Real Estate team to certify the home and subsequently, gain access to the custom marketing package Pearl provides with each home certification. Kate Romanov, operations manager for Pearl’s Real Estate Division, explained the purpose behind Pearl’s various assets, including home tour cards, home highlights flier, and the home certification, which collectively showcase the high-performing features of the house, as well as the value and savings to potential buyers with ease and clarity.

"One of the things I found extremely helpful in marketing the home is the tour cards,” said Mike. “So, I actually went out and purchased a bunch of those little acrylic picture frames, placed the cards inside and kind of put them around the house to highlight all of those hidden but really important features.”

Mike also finds value in placing collateral in the hands of potential buyers. “Also, having a pamphlet about the home’s high-performing features at my open houses, which people can flip through and see for themselves, has been really helpful,” said Mike. “I can point to specific features and say, ‘OK, this is how this ranks among average homes, and this is what we could do to improve it.”

As Mike discovered, Pearl Certification is a valuable marketing tool for selling energy-efficient homes. It is essential to understand the documentation and how to incorporate it into strategic marketing practices to show the value and savings high-performing homes can provide potential buyers.

Click to view Mike’s listing for this Pearl Certified Silver Home.

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